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Getting Started


This book is up-to-date with version 1.0.0 of the bdk_wallet rust library.

Install Rust

See the Rust Getting Started page to install the Rust development tools.

Using BDK in a Rust project

Follow these steps to use BDK in your own rust project with the electrum blockchain client.

  1. Create a new Rust project:
cargo init my_bdk_app
cd my_bdk_app
  1. Add bdk_wallet to your Cargo.toml file. Find the latest bdk_wallet release on, for example:
cargo add bdk_wallet@1.0.0
  1. Add other required dependencies:
cargo add bdk_electrum@0.20.1

Follow the Sync a Wallet with Electrum page for a simple example of how to create and sync a wallet.