Sync a Wallet with Bitcoin Core RPC
1. Start a regtest bitcoin daemon
For this example you'll need to run a bitcoin core daemon locally in regtest mode. Here are some of the commands you'll need:
| # In a shell dedicated to the bitcoin daemon
bitcoind --chain=regtest
# In a new shell dedicated to the bitcoin-cli
bitcoin-cli --chain=regtest getblockchaininfo
bitcoin-cli --chain=regtest createwallet mywallet
bitcoin-cli --chain=regtest loadwallet mywallet
bitcoin-cli --chain=regtest getnewaddress
# Mine 101 blocks
bitcoin-cli --chain=regtest generatetoaddress 101 <address>
# Send to address
bitcoin-cli --chain=regtest sendtoaddress <address> <amount>
2. Create a new Rust project
| cargo init rpcexample
cd rpcexample
3. Add required bdk dependencies to your Cargo.toml
Cargo.toml |
| [package]
name = "rpc"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
bdk_wallet = { version = "1.0.0" }
bdk_bitcoind_rpc = { version = "0.17.1" }
4. Create your descriptors
Refer to the Working with Descriptors page for information on how to generate descriptors. This page will assume you are working on Regtest with the following BIP86 descriptors:
| const EXTERNAL_DESCRIPTOR: &str = "tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdrjwWCyXqqJ4YqcyG4DmKtjjsRt29v1PtD3r3PuFJAjWytzcvSTKnZAGAkPSmnrdnuHWxCAwy3i1iPhrtKAfXRH7dVCNGp6/86'/1'/0'/0/*)#g9xn7wf9";
const INTERNAL_DESCRIPTOR: &str = "tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdrjwWCyXqqJ4YqcyG4DmKtjjsRt29v1PtD3r3PuFJAjWytzcvSTKnZAGAkPSmnrdnuHWxCAwy3i1iPhrtKAfXRH7dVCNGp6/86'/1'/0'/1/*)#e3rjrmea";
5. Create and sync wallet |
| use bdk_bitcoind_rpc::bitcoincore_rpc::{Auth, Client, RpcApi};
use bdk_bitcoind_rpc::Emitter;
use bdk_wallet::bitcoin::{Network, Transaction};
use bdk_wallet::chain::local_chain::CheckPoint;
use bdk_wallet::{AddressInfo, Balance, KeychainKind, Wallet};
const COOKIE_FILE_PATH: &str = "<path_to_your_regtest_bitcoin_core_data_dir>/.cookie";
const EXTERNAL_DESCRIPTOR: &str = "tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdrjwWCyXqqJ4YqcyG4DmKtjjsRt29v1PtD3r3PuFJAjWytzcvSTKnZAGAkPSmnrdnuHWxCAwy3i1iPhrtKAfXRH7dVCNGp6/86'/1'/0'/0/*)#g9xn7wf9";
const INTERNAL_DESCRIPTOR: &str = "tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdrjwWCyXqqJ4YqcyG4DmKtjjsRt29v1PtD3r3PuFJAjWytzcvSTKnZAGAkPSmnrdnuHWxCAwy3i1iPhrtKAfXRH7dVCNGp6/86'/1'/0'/1/*)#e3rjrmea";
fn main() {
let mut wallet: Wallet = Wallet::create(EXTERNAL_DESCRIPTOR, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTOR)
let balance: Balance = wallet.balance();
println!("Wallet balance before syncing: {}",;
let address: AddressInfo = wallet.reveal_next_address(KeychainKind::External);
"Generated address {} at index {}",
address.address, address.index
let rpc_client: Client = Client::new(
// Auth::UserPass("__cookie__".to_string(), "cookievalue".to_string())
let blockchain_info = rpc_client.get_blockchain_info().unwrap();
"\nConnected to Bitcoin Core RPC.\nChain: {}\nLatest block: {} at height {}\n",
blockchain_info.chain, blockchain_info.best_block_hash, blockchain_info.blocks,
let wallet_tip: CheckPoint = wallet.latest_checkpoint();
"Current wallet tip is: {} at height {}",
let mut emitter = Emitter::new(&rpc_client, wallet_tip.clone(), wallet_tip.height());
println!("Syncing blocks...");
while let Some(block) = emitter.next_block().unwrap() {
print!("{} ", block.block_height());
.apply_block_connected_to(&block.block, block.block_height(), block.connected_to())
println!("Syncing mempool...");
let mempool_emissions: Vec<(Transaction, u64)> = emitter.mempool().unwrap();
let balance: Balance = wallet.balance();
println!("Wallet balance after syncing: {}",;
Once you have synced the wallet once, mine a few new blocks using the bitcoin-cli and send coins to the address provided by the wallet and printed in the console. Upon running the example code again, your wallet will sync up the latest blocks and update its balance.